Without software to support transactions like those involving emergency medical care and investor decisions, most businesses would still be using a trial-and-error, pen-to-paper approach. And with people and organizations’ health and wellbeing on the line, time is of the essence. Luckily, these Boston-based companies provide their customers peace of mind at the touch of a button.
Four salespeople gave us a behind-the-scenes business tour and explained why they champion the solutions they sell. The idea of succeeding and failing together came up again and again. As Steve Jobs said, “Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people.”

Better investment outcomes are something that, as a business, you want to be able to scale. Vestmark is in the business of helping its customers facilitate those outcomes with software that provides a global picture of the investment landscape. Ed Friedlander, Senior Vice President of Business Development, told us he joined the team because he was tired of dealing with older technologies’ band-aid solutions for large-scale problems.
Tell us a little bit about the product/s you sell and why you're genuinely passionate about selling them.
Vestmark is a software company that provides a technology platform and services to financial institutions (think banks, broker dealers and asset managers). We enable financial advisors to deliver investment advice to end investors via investment portfolios. We also help advisors to improve investor outcomes. Our technology platform, VestmarkONE, is well architected, comprehensive, and very functionally deep. The platform enables a compelling degree of flexibility and scale. Other legacy technologies and vendors servicing this marketplace offer solutions that need to be cobbled together or that offer only a one-size-fits-all approach. I joined the organization 15 years ago, and it has been exciting to watch us innovate and expand year after year.
I also take a very personal stake in my clients and their success.’’
Beyond a commission, what motivates you to succeed in your role?
I take a very consultative approach to my job to really understand and help my clients achieve their business objectives. I also take a very personal stake in my clients and their success. These people are putting their trust in me, Vestmark’s technology, and our ability to deliver their desired outcome. I will do whatever it takes to see that through and firmly believe that their success is my success.

When a client tells you that the product you sold them came in handy during a catastrophic event like the Boston Marathon bombings in 2013, you walk into work with a renewed sense of purpose. That’s absolutely the case for Jeannie Schat, Senior Account Executive in healthcare sales at Everbridge. The cherry on top of her rewarding career is the satisfaction she feels when users share how Everbrige has kept them safe, which they do often.
Tell us a little bit about the product/s you sell and why you're genuinely passionate about selling them.
As a former clinician who moved to IT and then into sales, I believe I have an inside perspective on some of the communication challenges that our healthcare clients experience. It’s very rewarding to know that our clients can use Everbridge to mobilize a transport team or stroke team more quickly or that a home health worker can use Everbridge to send a notification if they don’t feel safe and need help. Additionally, IT can use it to get a quicker response and resolution team rallied if the electronic medical record (EMR) goes down. I know I would have loved a solution like this when I was working as a clinician.
I’m most motivated when I hear how much my clients love Everbridge or how it has saved lives.’’
Beyond a commission, what motivates you to succeed in your role?
The people at Everbridge rock! It makes me want to succeed for myself and my team. But I’m most motivated when I hear how much my clients love Everbridge or how it has saved lives. Honestly, clients frequently tell me that they have used Everbridge during critical events to mobilize surgeons, reschedule elective surgeries, or even to communicate about the relocation of dialysis clinics during a hurricane so that their patients could access their treatment. How cool is that?

Datadog is all about integration. The software allows users to monitor and optimize their applications with the data they need to constantly improve. Joseph Chartier, Senior Account Executive, feels a sense of pride in being part of a group that is always iterating. He shared with us what changes he has witnessed during his time at the company and what they have meant for his personal growth.
Tell us a little bit about the product/s you sell and why you’re genuinely passionate about selling them.
One of the things that makes me so passionate about selling Datadog is the sheer size of the market that we have aligned ourselves with. Datadog is a platform that enables organizations to ensure their critical systems and technologies are performant and can scale with their users’ needs. As the world of technology continues to evolve, we partner with companies to mitigate the risk of their transformative efforts and help to proactively spot and solve performance issues before end users are impacted. Our products have enabled us to grow into new markets and work with dynamic types of customers, which is very exciting.
I’m surrounded by extremely bright people and an incredible leadership team that encourages me every day.’’
Beyond a commission, what motivates you to succeed in your role?
Something that motivates me to succeed in my role is the continuous opportunity to be a part of building out something new. Shortly after I started, the inside sales team made the shift to an outbound motion and about a year ago we launched our mid-market sales team. Being included in both of those initiatives and the fast-paced growth of the company has created an amazing opportunity for me to excel professionally. I’m surrounded by extremely bright people and an incredible leadership team that encourages me every day.

SaaS Economist/Account Executive Rachael Roche wakes up every morning ready to solve problems. She doesn’t consider herself a salesperson as much as she does a leading expert in how subscription-based businesses can and should leverage the benefits of ProfitWell –– of which, as she will tell you, there are many.
Think of ProfitWell as offering scene notes to companies like ClassPass, Meetup and LogMeIn on a consistent basis. They cover necessary logistics and management duties so that the subscription business can take center stage and shine.
Tell us a little bit about the product/s you sell and why you're genuinely passionate about selling them.
At ProfitWell, we’re not just selling a product. We’re THE experts in helping subscription companies make major shifts in how they go to market. Companies like Lyft, ClassPass, Prezi, and Vice leverage our expertise to maintain and grow market share, increase revenue and monetization, and enhance customer retention. Subscription companies flock to ProfitWell’s brand. Their growth is directly attributed to the work we do. We’re more than salespeople –– we’re diagnosticians, strategic partners, and business consultants. We give away a free metrics platform because it’s the right thing to do, and we offer paid services only if there’s a value add.
We’re more than salespeople –– we’re diagnosticians, strategic partners, and business consultants. ’’
Beyond a commission, what motivates you to succeed in your role?
Simply put, the ProfitWell sales team is motivated by winning. As a bootstrapped startup, every deal I close is money we can reinvest in the company. At one point, our team had three sales representatives who literally doubled our business in a year. That feeling of accomplishment is unparalleled, as is the teamwork and collaboration that gets us there. Wins small and large are celebrated on a team level and company wide, and these wins enable us to hire more people, build new products, etc. Finally, we sell directly into C-suites and executives, from pre-launch startups to post-IPO, billion-dollar companies. As trusted partners, these executives can be vulnerable with us as we help them solve real business problems.