Merryfield, PBC

12 Total Employees
8 Local Employees
Year Founded: 2018

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Merryfield is a rewards app for better-for-you products.
Merryfield is a first-of-its-kind app that instantly rewards consumers at least 5% back every time they choose better-for-you products from our collection of trusted brands. Every purchase earns points that can be redeemed for great gift cards to dozens of awesome retailers, and 1 percent of our revenue is donated to No Kid Hungry, a non-profit organization on a mission to end childhood hunger.

Our app makes it easy for consumers to discover new brands and shop better-for-you products with confidence at any grocery store or big-box retailer without the stress of reading every label or sorting through too many options. We reward people for making choices they can feel good about — and for consistently supporting better-for-you brands (that offer food and beverage, personal care & beauty, and household products), all of which subscribe to a higher everyday quality standard for everyday products. Consumers can connect their Merryfield account to digital retailers (Target, Instacart, Walmart, Kroger and many more) to earn points automatically on their clean label purchases or they can use the app to take a photo of their paper receipts to get rewarded.

Every brand on the platform must comply with the Merryfield Standards established by our Clean Council of industry experts, who’ve spent years working at clean label pioneers such as Whole Foods Market and Beautycounter. These experts have defined clean label standards for all categories and they evaluate every product available.

Merryfield, PBC Offices

Remote Workspace

Employees work remotely.

Typical time on-site: None