Inclusive Cultures and Collaboration Set These Boston Tech Companies Apart

Cohere Health and MassMutual top Built In’s list of Top Boston Tech Companies Hiring this month.

Written by Dana Cassell
Published on Dec. 29, 2023
Inclusive Cultures and Collaboration Set These Boston Tech Companies Apart
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New year, new job? Tis the season for commitment and change, and while plenty of folks kick off the new year with a commitment to visit the gym more frequently or eat fewer carbs, leveling up on the job is also a popular New Year’s resolution.

According to a recent Statista study, while exercising more and eating healthier top the charts for most common New Year’s resolutions, work-life goals also claim several of the top ten spots.

Among the respondents, 39 percent stated that their New Year’s resolution was to save more money, while 19 percent expressed a goal of reducing stress at work.

If you’re part of the crowd making career resolutions this New Year’s Eve, Built In is here to help; we’ve compiled this list of top Boston tech companies hiring now. These companies stand out thanks to their commitment to collaboration and on the ground DEI work.

At Cohere Health, a spirit of collaboration makes for a great working environment. Feliz Adenodi, lead software engineer, told Built In why it works. “Emphasizing teamwork, empathy, and open dialogue, we turn challenges into growth opportunities, creating a supportive and resilient work environment,” he shared.

At MassMutual, a commitment to diversity and inclusion goes beyond lip service. Not only does the company run a cultural competence training for leaders and host what they call “Brave Spaces” for employees, they’re also partnering with organizations like the NAACP and several Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to move that training and internal conversation into the real world. “We’re committed to cultivating an inclusive culture where our employees are supported and feel they belong,” said Head of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Jackson Davis.

These companies are worth a look, especially if “new job” is on your New Year’s list.


Felix Adenodi
Lead Software Engineer • Cohere Health

Cohere Health is a SaaS company offering intelligent prior authorization solutions that drive better healthcare outcomes.


Describe your company culture in one word. What made you pick that word? 


Growing up in a large family, I learned the importance of working together with empathy, a principle that became pivotal during my e-commerce internship. Faced with a compliance issue caused by human error, I chose collaboration over blame. 

Together, we corrected the error, transforming a stressful situation into a learning opportunity. This approach helped rebuild the person's confidence and underscored the importance of teamwork.

Simultaneously, I maintained open communication with our client, explaining the situation and our corrective actions. This transparency fostered trust and demonstrated our commitment to quality and responsibility.

This experience exemplifies our company’s collaborative spirit. Emphasizing teamwork, empathy, and open dialogue, we turn challenges into growth opportunities, creating a supportive and resilient work environment. This culture not only solves immediate problems but also builds lasting relationships and a strong, adaptable team.


Emphasizing teamwork, empathy, and open dialogue, we turn challenges into growth opportunities, creating a supportive and resilient work environment.”


What's the coolest project youve worked on recently, and how did it help you grow professionally? 

Working on Project X at Thomson Reuters was a defining moment in my professional journey, offering my first exposure to enterprise ideation. The project involved acquiring legislative data managed by a microservices platform. We used this data to develop financial estimates, helping law firms assess the feasibility of litigative cases.

This project was a deep dive into strategizing for large-scale development, requiring extensive collaboration with external teams and a deep understanding of the domain. Navigating its complexities, I honed my skills in cross-functional teamwork and developed a comprehensive approach to problem-solving. 

It was not only the most challenging project I’ve tackled, but also the most rewarding, significantly enhancing my capabilities in managing complex projects and fostering a greater sense of ownership and leadership in my professional role.



Jackson Davis
Head of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion • MassMutual

MassMutual is a mutual life insurance company that provides investment management and trust services.


Describe your company culture in one word. What made you pick that word? 

Inclusion and leadership, specifically DEI leadership. Over the past years we’ve seen societal reckonings in response to injustices, and it’s good to see so many organizations join the conversation. 

MassMutual, however, has been on this path for nearly two decades. One example is a cultural competence training we run for leaders where participants examine systemic privilege, become more conscious of implicit biases and apply partnership skills to real-world challenges. We’re committed to cultivating an inclusive culture where our employees are supported and feel they belong. 


We’re committed to cultivating an inclusive culture where our employees are supported and feel they belong.”


One of the ways we’re doing this internally is by hosting virtual gatherings called Brave Spaces. We acknowledge global conflicts and local events by giving employees a supportive way to gather and share the impact that these issues have on them and the ones they love.  

Topics have ranged from systemic racism to recent Supreme Court decisions. Recently, we hosted three separate Brave Spaces in response to the Israel-Hamas war. One for Israeli and Jewish employees, one for Arab, Palestinian, and Muslim employees, and one for all employees.


What's the coolest project youve worked on recently, and how did it help you grow professionally? 

My team and I worked on two rewarding projects recently. The first is our partnership with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. 

Externally, acting as one of the partners welcoming the NAACP to Boston for its 114th national convention was deeply meaningful for us. During the convention, MassMutual had an onsite presence where we connected with attendees and sponsored several events, including hosting a Power Networking breakfast at our Boston campus. Making connections and continuing the conversation around reducing bias and discrimination and increasing economic security for all was powerful and impactful. 

MassMutual also deepened and expanded our commitment to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) this year. We established partnerships with Hampton University and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University on multi-year, multi-pronged programs that include scholarships, internships, MassMutual campus ambassadors, recruitment opportunities and more. 

Many companies give money, but they don’t always show up in other ways like dedicating in-person time to the causes. At MassMutual, we are doing both.



Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images provided by Shutterstock and listed companies.

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