3 Benefits of GPS Tracking For Small Businesses

Written by Rachel Fowler
Published on Mar. 24, 2017
3 Benefits of GPS Tracking For Small Businesses

Everyone uses GPS today, but it is either for personal use or for big companies. Whereas small businesses often think they do not need GPS just because they have nothing to track. This misconception is puzzling. The greatest thing about modern technology is that it provides anyone with handy affordable tools small that business and solo entrepreneurs could not dream about some 50 years ago.

Social media and instant messengers have created free order and delivery systems, as well as advertising platforms and a medium for acquiring and retaining customers. So why GPS is taking so long to gain recognition? It is time to fix this injustice. Here are several ways that small businesses can benefit greatly from GPS technology.


Increased productivity

Whether you are a taxi, delivery, or courier service, GPS tracking eliminates time-consuming outdated procedures such as phone calls and paperwork, thus increasing productivity. Also, by optimizing managing routines, GPS-enabled systems allow you to keep things under control, no matter how many hats you wear. Real-time visibility from any smart device and geofence notifications make it possible to run your business almost 24/7.

GPS also saves time and provides a valuable information, such as traffic and weather reports,
turn-by-turn directions, interactive maps and more, which is particularly helpful if you are handling an emergency or delivering perishable goods. You can plan your routes before making a trip and adjust your route on the go. It is also crucial for businesses that depend on visiting many customers during one day, such as cable or utility providers.

Higher productivity can also be achieved by better control of your employee activities and increased accountability, making sure your resources are only used for company purposes. GPS collects data that can be converted into all kinds of reports: gas, mileage, speed, idling, and driver behavior.

Reduced costs and risks

Time and fuel are the most obvious things that you can save thanks to GPS tracking, but benefits aren’t limited to that. Add quick recovery of your property in case of theft and the insurance discounts it can bring you. GPS managing also has hidden benefits, such as reduced labor and maintenance costs.

GPS monitoring also helps you ensuring the safety of your employees and your customers. You will instantly know should anything happen – a road accident, unauthorized use or suspicious activity. Apart from being a hazard to your employees and customers, accidents can cause considerable expenses, so by minimizing this risk you kill two birds with one stone. Having all the route data at your fingertips, you are able to elaborate speeding policy and track any violations to prevent dangerous situations.

There are also GPS-enabled novelty systems in taxis and school buses that track passengers on board. They are a trend in hot countries, where this technology is used to prevent dangerous situations when people get locked in the parked vehicles under the scorching sun. Sometimes people, especially young children and elderly passengers, fall asleep or pass out unnoticed by the driver. When the passengers tracking system is on, the driver gets an alert if even one of them does not leave a vehicle when they should.

Better customer experience

To survive, small businesses must rely on loyal customers, and there is no better way to win their loyalty than a good customer service. In fact, people often expect better customer service from the small local businesses. Sometimes it is the main reason why they prefer local firms.

Knowing a current position of each of your vehicles, you will be able to get to your customers promptly, answering to their emergencies ASAP. If you run a courier service, offering more details on the exact package location and precise delivery time to your customers is no longer simply a good addition to your services. Today most people expect it.

GPS enables web-based services to provide customers with information about nearby events or specific product and service categories based on their current location. Ads, notifications, coupons or search results – everything becomes more effective if it is offered at the right time and in the close proximity to the consumer.

Families use GPS locators to track the whereabouts of their family members. Large businesses track a vast fleet of vehicles and handle shipping and deliveries, saving large sums by eliminating fuel thefts and waybills falsification. Small businesses, undoubtedly, face a unique set of challenges, but GPS tracking is so flexible and versatile, it can be used to meet any needs. Hopefully, the reasons listed above will help to dispel the misconception about GPS managing.

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