Take a sneak peak inside 3 of Boston’s coolest tech offices

Written by Justine Hofherr
Published on Mar. 14, 2018
Take a sneak peak inside 3 of Boston’s coolest tech offices
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When it comes to designing a sleek, thoughtfully designed workplace, tech companies know what they’re doing. Though real estate is pretty pricey in Boston, tech companies have been known for making their offices special through in-house cafés, colorful murals, rooftop terraces and more.

We caught up with the following three companies to find out what makes their workplaces unique, and were granted a behind-the-scenes glimpse at a few of the coolest offices in the city.

Photo via LevelUp
Photo via LevelUp
Photo via LevelUp

Julie Jacobs, LevelUp director of workplace experience, said LevelUp’s café is home to lunchtime meetings, as well as weekly happy hours.

How many employees work at the office?


How big is the space?

27,000 square feet.

When did you move in?

February 2016 when we had fewer than 90 employees.

What's your favorite part of the space?

As we’ve evolved, our space has grown with us. Now you can find tons of little pockets of activity around the office as well as multi-use areas. The café is the spot that transforms the most throughout the day, from town halls and lunchtime meetings to small work areas and later in the evening, happy hours. Our café is really a big, lively room that serves as the heart of our office.  

Is there anything unique about your office?

What's unique about our office is how much personality everyone brings to decorating their desks. We put a ton of thought into how our team could take ownership of their own space through customization of their furniture and it’s been amazing to watch that come to life. People have painted their desks, taken down walls, created shared working spaces and even hung plants and curtains.

We recently started an Internet of Things workshop during which teams build data visualization projects to bring our payments network to life. One of the projects allows you to see real-time orders going through our system, visualized in colorful flashing lights. I’m excited to see all of the creative ways that people can continue to customize our space through their unique interests and imaginations.


Photo via 3PLay Media
3play media
Photo via 3Play Media
3play media
Photo via 3Play Media

Lily Bond, director of marketing, said a mural of Julia Child is one of the coolest features of 3Play Media’s office.

How many employees work at the office?


How big is the space?

5,000 square feet.

When did you move in?

We moved in almost exactly two years ago! It's unbelievable how much the area around our office — Fort Point — has grown and expanded in that time. We have this incredible office space, and we're surrounded by some of the best bars, restaurants and activities in Boston.

What's your favorite part of the space?

The big farm table is one of the best parts of the space. Farm tables are by nature a communal gathering space, and ours is no different. This is a place where we can gather for lunch and spend time getting to know each other. It's also the site of our company-wide monthly meeting, during which we share the successes of each department. The farm table is also where we host game nights and socialize after work.

Is there anything unique about your office?

We're a closed captioning company. The first ever television program to be broadcasted with captions was Julia Child's show "The French Chef" on PBS in 1972. The most unique aspect of our office is a spray-painted mural of Julia Child in one of our meeting rooms with the caption, "A PARTY WITHOUT CAKE IS REALLY JUST A MEETING." We love it! It reminds us of the history of our industry and brings a bit of fun and humor to our meetings.


Photo via Simplisafe
Photo via Simplisafe
Photo via Simplisafe

Elyssa Feliciano, talent associate, said she loves that you can occasionally hear the music of street musicians wafting up through SimpliSafe’s open windows.

How many employees work at the office?

We have 450 employees between 3 floors.

How big is the space?

Approximately 60,000 square feet (20,000 for each floor).

When did you move in?

In fall 2014, we moved to the ninth floor. In the last 3.5 years we've expanded to three floors.

What's your favorite part of the space?

It would be a tie between "the living room" and our lab.

Is there anything unique about your office?

The sunset views can be pretty awesome. Also, the occasional music coming from the musicians down on Washington Street is always a pleasant surprise.


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