

Year Founded: 2012

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Software • AdTech
Boston, MA
985 Employees

Every day customers are exposed to over 3,000 marketing messages – so many messages that brands have become invisible. KonnecTo makes your brand stand out. Today, with the immense popularity of Pokemon Go, brands are taking notice of the power of real life marketing platforms to encourage and elicit behaviors from consumers. While Pokemon Go relies on augmented reality, KonnecTo is based in the reality of our every day world and provides unlimited opportunities for businesses in the travel and hospitality industry to engage with and spark the imaginations of guests like never before. KonnecTo motivates customers to continuously engage with your brand by rewarding them for real life and online activities that keep your brand on the top of their minds at all times. With our points system, marketing activities now create positive emotional and rewarding connections that encourage customers to repeatedly engage with your brand.